Guest evening +
Lecture evening
with the topic
“Myths and conspiracies”
At all times, people have whispered meaningful stories into each other’s ears and many fantastic and unbelievable things have come into the world in this way. We get to know some of these myths, some of them amusing, some of them shocking.
In Freemasonry, too, there are numerous legends in addition to the well-known myths – we begin our journey in the year 50 AD and end around 1900.
The topic of the evening is still being prepared.
Some insights into our brother evenings and brother meetings can be found in the following articles.
Another guest evening is in the planning stage.
Dear visitors,
we are pleased to welcome you on our internet presence of the Freemasons in Kamen. We meet at Heeren Castle and pursue our passion there.
If you are interested in Freemasonry and what we are and do, we encourage you to visit the website of our Grand Lodge.
Click here to go to the Grand National Mother Lodge to the Three Globes:
Are you interested in us?

We will be glad if you are interested in the Union of Freemasons as well as membership in our Masonic Lodge. Joining the Masonic fraternity should be well considered in any case.
Membership in this federation is not comparable to any other membership. We therefore recommend that you acquaint yourself with the Lodge and its members and, for your part, thoroughly consider whether membership is an option.
Usually, a regular visit to the events of the Lodge over a period of about one year serves to get to know each other.
Each application for membership will be considered on a case-by-case basis and submitted for a vote within the Fraternity. This is common practice in all Masonic Lodges worldwide.
The best way to get a first impression is to attend one of our numerous guest evenings.
Simply contact us in advance by e-mail or by using the contact form, and our secretary will receive a message with initial information and your contact details.
Brother meeting
in the Masonic Lodge Phoenix to the Three Lights, have a look at us…