Foundation celebration 2022 –
Insights into our lodge life – 16.09.2022

Our foundation party this year
is after the birth of our lodge last year, the first for the “Phoenix to the three lights”. Accordingly, we celebrate our first foundation feast, here in Orient Kamen and in the heart of the Ruhr area on a September 16…
A memorable date, because
…on just such a 16th of September…
– 1620: …the Pilgrims set sail from Plymouth, England, aboard the Mayflower for the New World to America.
…on just such a 16th of September
– 1744: the city of Prague capitulates to the Prussian army after a two-week siege.
…on just such a 16th of September
– 1810: Miguel Hidalgos calls for the fight for Mexican independence
And …on just such a September 16.
– 1939: the Japanese-Soviet border conflict is settled with an armistice.
At that time, the parties to the conflict agreed on the existing borders. A solution that would also put an end to the tragic suffering of the “brother peoples” these days.
I do not want to express a political position here, as it is forbidden to us Masonic brothers in the context of our meetings, only this much is said; that from a humanistic point of view it contradicts our deepest convictions as well as our claim to the royal art and justifiably causes concern.
But rather, today we have every reason to reaffirm our decision to solemnly found this Lodge a year ago – to appreciate it and to find it good and right.
With foundation
of this lodge “Phoenix to the Three Lights” we have started at that time far more than to enable our own masonic endeavor a new home. We have also joined the 3WK Lodges with the bringing in of light a year ago and have thus come to know and appreciate a multitude of new facets of the ritual.
Thanks to the support of the brothers of the Federation, we have arrived well and feel welcome. At this point I would like to express again absolutely our thanks to the friendly Lodge in Soest and to the Federal Directorate. We are very happy about the warm support of the brothers from Soest and Berlin.
We have also renewed our usual processes and structures and put them into practice with great attention to detail.
At this point
thanks go to all the usual and unusual suspects who with passion and enthusiasm take care of the things that make up our Lodge to this day and give it a face.
Starting with the communication of our events on the various levels, through the preparation, implementation and follow-up of these events, to the documentation and elaboration of the contributions following our activities here.
Brother P. W. never tires of updating our internet presence to the latest state of our happenings, whereby we have also achieved a remarkable hit rate in the relevant search queries – only the Rasse-Geflügel-Zuchtverein “Pönix” e.V. from Kamen von 1880, can be found as well as we can.
It fits wonderfully into the picture that our young Lodge has also already been able to welcome three racy and equally sprightly fraternal newcomers and that we have now experienced 40 events with more than 400 participants.

Another point,
to be emphasized is the Brotherhood’s travels beyond the boundaries of the Mother Lodge. It is of special concern to us to also confer our loyal membership to the brothers of the “Schotten-Loge” in the advanced degrees.
True to the motto: “where there is a lack of people, you have to be a human being yourself”, all this is progressing under the increased efforts of brother C. W. and will continue to accompany us intensively in the future. For this the hint is placed to join gladly this brother – should this not have happened yet.
We experience
We have found here in the castle Heeren to Kamen the worthy environment, in which many years ago already once a masonic homeland had originated, and we have shaped it further. Earlier generations of castle lords were equally devoted to Freemasonry and founded lodges in the regional area, belonged to them and lent their enthusiasm to the Westphalian lodge scene.
The fact that we can now, after one year, sum up – how magnificently this decision has paid off for us, shows what a lucky hand we have proven up to this point.
“Many a man builds castles in the air, who could build his hut on the land…” is a saying that we were allowed to follow into the air, as it were, at this location and what up to here – in this modest hut – has truly made a dream come true.
Of course, in newly built houses there is sometimes a creak in the woodwork until the joints of our young temple have hardened, but…
Unity and cohesion are unbroken pillars at the core of all our togetherness.
Once entered
and trotted off to do better and escape the old constraints, you often learn what you should forget and forget what you should learn.
But happy is not the one who has everything he desires, but the one who desires nothing he does not have.
Nevertheless, let us dare to look into the crystal ball and take a look at the future that lies ahead for our young Lodge. Let us ask ourselves how we are going to maintain the standard of our collective Masonic endeavor. How do we want to think Freemasonry further and let it work on us and our living environment?
Is it exclusively the old traditions and values that we want to build ourselves on and whose significance we want to celebrate and carry before us?
Is it these traditions that “breathe life” into us – or is it we who breathe new life into these old traditions?

What would be
when Freemasonry meets a serious need of the times, which it has clearly recognized, and for the satisfaction of which it possesses, I will not say the only means, but the most effective ones?
Will Freemasonry then become again what it has been but has ceased to be more and more?
A cultural force alongside other cultures, called to solve certain historical tasks of the time alongside them and with them.

is the emergence of symbolic masonry from the work masonry organized in building lodges, as happened at the beginning of speculative freemasonry.
From the point of view of cultural history, it is a remarkable fact “how it could have occurred to anyone” to transform the old forms of Work-Masonic assemblies into “symbols of religious and humanistic thought.”
How to explain the viability of these symbolic lodges at that time…,
the influence they soon gained…,
the attraction they exerted… ?
And how might all this, in the future, also succeed for us?
With these questions I would like to end my drawing on the developments of our Lodge and, in particular, with the positive certainty that we have an eventful year ahead of us.
Brother Speaker, K.D.

Phoenix to the Three Lights
Heerener Street 177
59174 Kamen
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Membership in this federation is not comparable to any other membership. We therefore recommend that you acquaint yourself with the Lodge and its members and, for your part, thoroughly consider whether membership is an option.
Usually, a regular visit to the events of the Lodge over a period of about one year serves to get to know each other.
Each application for membership will be considered on a case-by-case basis and submitted for a vote within the Fraternity. This is common practice in all Masonic Lodges worldwide.
The best way to get a first impression is to attend one of our numerous guest evenings.
Simply contact us in advance by e-mail or by using the contact form, and our secretary will receive a message with initial information and your contact details.