Lodge Life

Brother eveningInternal

Impressions of an evening with brothers,

from our lodge life from 30.06.23.


The Friday evening

has become a fixture with most of our brothers.

In addition to our masonic activities and work, the “informal brother evenings” have meanwhile developed into another building block with a high value.

In Freemasonry

much cannot be described in words – it must be experienced. So it is with these brother evenings. Simply put, as soon as the lodge grounds come into view, another world opens up.

Just the idea of meeting his brothers in conjunction with their warmth promises a beautiful and fulfilling evening. The hectic of the day disappears and the soul can dangle freely. The content of our discussions is varied, but the basic rule is that everything in the Lodge remains in the Lodge.

A brother

did not miss the opportunity to visit the lodge even before the immediate start of his vacation. A nice chat, a sausage and on we went. That’s how it has to be!

This meeting was surprisingly well attended, despite the vacation season, with eight brothers and two guests (seekers). The grill was in constant use and this great evening came to a late and fulfilling end.


Curious, would you like to participate in our lodge life?

Interested gentlemen can get more information here.



Phoenix to the Three Lights
Heerener Street 177
59174 Kamen

kontakt [a] freimaurer-kamen.de


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Are you interested in us?

Phoenix zu den Drei Lichtern 0119 s

We will be glad if you are interested in the Union of Freemasons as well as membership in our Masonic Lodge. Joining the Masonic fraternity should be well considered in any case.

Membership in this federation is not comparable to any other membership. We therefore recommend that you acquaint yourself with the Lodge and its members and, for your part, thoroughly consider whether membership is an option.

Usually, a regular visit to the events of the Lodge over a period of about one year serves to get to know each other.

Each application for membership will be considered on a case-by-case basis and submitted for a vote within the Fraternity. This is common practice in all Masonic Lodges worldwide.

The best way to get a first impression is to attend one of our numerous guest evenings.

Simply contact us in advance by e-mail or by using the contact form, and our secretary will receive a message with initial information and your contact details.

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