Our archive

Masonic Lodge “Phoenix to the Three Lights” at Heeren Castle


Dear visitor,
on closer inspection of our Internet page you will surely have noticed that we are anxious to present our lodge life, as far as possible, transparently.

Furthermore, we keep our site up to date and offer you a goal-oriented menu navigation. This page, the archive page, now includes a more compact view. Here any postings are displayed and collected at a glance.

WEB Bijou Phoenix 500
Logo Freimaurer Helfen

Freimaurer helfen

Freimaurer helfen e.V. Der gute Weg Neben der freimaurerischen Arbeit wird grundsätzlich der Armen und Bedürftigen gedacht, denn Barmherzigkeit und Nächstenliebe sind in der DNA eines jeden Freimaurers fest verankert…
Bruderabend Currywurst

Bruderabend – 27.09.2024

Ein ganz normaler Bruderabend Der Bruderabend am 29.09.24 Unsere Aktivitäten sind vorzeitig geplant und werden bereits im Vorfeld in einem Arbeitskalender festgehalten. Somit behält jeder Bruder die Übersicht über unsere…
Sommerloge der Freimaurer Phoenix zu den Drei Lichtern Gespräche

SL 28.07.23

Impressions of an evening with brothers, from our lodge life from 28.07.23.   The summer lodge has risen to become a classic this year. Actually, these meetings were more sporadic/spontaneous…
Badminton s


Free time, Internal
Badminton, Info from our lodge life .   Our brothers know each other and because this is the case, it is also fun to do something together outside of the…
Ein Bruderabend der Dreimaurer der Freimaurerloge Phoenix zu den Drei Lichtern in Kamen.

Lodge Life

Impressions of an evening with brothers, from our lodge life from 30.06.23.   The Friday evening has become a fixture with most of our brothers. In addition to our masonic…
Bruderabend Phoenix zu den Drei Lichtern 8272

Casual get together

The somewhat different brother evening Insights into our lodge life – 26.05.23   The casual get-together… What should this entry in our work calendar tell us? Is it a mystery…
Gaesteabend 3


Exhibition at the Kamen Christmas Market at Heeren Castle. Insights into the History and Mysticism of Freemasonry – 12/17-22 and 12/18-2022. There was little time that remained for us for…
Schloss Heeren Freimaurerloge Phoenix zu den Drei Lichtern 5921


High biodiversity at Heeren Castle The gray heron At breeding time Every year during the breeding season, Heeren Castle hosts, among others, gray herons also called herons. They are monogamous…
Phoenix Sommerfest 2022 7702s

Summer party 2022

Summer party 2022 A wonderful start to the second half of our lodge calendar has been ignited, to the delight of all involved, as a culinary fireworks display. In addition…